Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Feeder Matrix Is Not A Pyramid Scheme!

If you are old enough to remember the scams of the late 1980s into the 1990s there were some real slick folks who were running shams called Pyramids. These phony setups would masquerade as money making opportunities they said would benefit everyone who joined. In REALITY the only ones who benefited were the few who set up the phony pyramid and those who were fortunate to get in right after it launched.

Feeder Matrix IS NOT a matrix scheme where a phony product is offered and potential participants are made to wait on line to join (a queue). IT IS an actual, substantial, ALWAYS GROWING, Multi Level Marketing BUSINESS (MLM). Although the structure of Feeder Matrix may be similar to the sham scam schemes MASQUERADING as legitimate organizations, what separates our business model from the phony pyramids and matrices is how people are PAID!

There aren't a handful of people "at the top" getting money passed up to them while everyone else pays in then waits to move up before they see a dollar. All payments are handled electronically through well established online payment processors. Every member* has the potential to make money AT EACH LEVEL of progression from Level One to Level Eight.

Feeder Matrix uses its own software to automatically place members* in position to be paid according to the member's* level, in conjunction with well established payment processors such as PayPal in the United States, and SolidTrust Pay for many other places around the world. FEEDER MATRIX DOES NOT HANDLE ANY MONETARY TRANSACTIONS!

It is necessary that you fully understand what Feeder Matrix is about. Although Feeder Matrix is a copyrighted brand name, it is also YOUR OWN SEPARATE BUSINESS into itself. Feeder Matrix IS NOT RESPONSIBLE for how you run your business or how successful you are. Even with the individuals that make up our TEAM who are here to assist you, they each have THEIR OWN separate businesses to run and are not responsible for how successful or unsuccessful you are (or become). YOU AND ONLY YOU are responsible for how your business will turn out.

*Levels 1 thru 8 are members who paid the initial $1.75. Level 0's are people who joined but haven't paid to advance to Level One. They've only set up an account after clicking on the link and are not yet members.

Tee Low
Feeder Matrix & PLS
FB BizNiz Page
FB Personal Page
google+ Biz Page 
(212) 602-1691


1 comment:

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