Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Feeder Matrix: What It Is & How It Works



Feeder Matrix is a 4x4 forced system. What it means is this: The person you signed up with is part of your up line (the people above you). That person's goal is to hand pick THREE MORE people like you who have the drive, ambition and determination to be successful. This is called the FIRST TIER. You will do the same; you will hand pick 4 people who want success as much as you do and are willing to grab for that ring!

Each person who joins your tier at Level One will pay you $1.75. That's a total of Seven Dollars ($1.75 x 4 = $7.00) paid DIRECTLY TO YOU. For each advancement in level a DIGITAL PRODUCT download becomes available. The product is basically information explaining ways to enhance your online business. There are a total of EIGHT downloads, one for each upgrade in level. As you and the people under you (your down line) rise in levels the multiplier of 4 will keep adding more people who will be PAYING YOU DIRECTLY! Here's what 4x4 Forced Matrix means. For simplicity's sake let's break the 8 levels into two parts.

Level 1: 4 People on Tier One (1x4@$1.75 each=$7.00)
Level 2: 16 People On Tier Two (4x4@$5 each=$80)
Level 3: 64 People On Tier Three (16x4 @ $10 each=$640)
Level 4: 256 People On Tier Four (64x4@$20 each=$5120)

That's 340 slots for a total of $5847. You paid your up line $1.75, $5, $10 and $20 for a total of $36.75. Your potential profit is $5810.75. Not a bad investment at all. But wait, it gets even better!

You can only have FOUR TIERS beneath you, even after you rise to Level 8, but each person pays TWICE! This is where Feeder Matrix kicks it into HIGH GEAR!

The 4 people on Tier One pay their up line again at Level 5 (4x$40=$160)

The 16 people on Tier Two pay their up line again at Level 6 (16x$80=$1280)

The 64 people on Tier Three pay their up line again at Level 7 (64x$160=$10240)

The 256 people on Tier Four pay their up line again at Level 8 (256x$320=$81920)

Totals from Part One is $5847
Totals from Part Two is $93600

As long as you are in position to receive payments at the upper levels you could potentially be paid $99447!

Your FIRST objective is to get to LEVEL 5 in one week. That way you will be in position to receive payments from people on the 4 levels BELOW you. The cost is $76.75 but if your down line moves as fast as you do your cost is zero!

You then turn around and use those payments received from your down line to upgrade a level at a time until you reach LEVEL 8 in or around 30 days. This is your MAIN objective, your mission in life for the immediate future.

Remember, the cost of leveling up is paid by the people who come in under you (your down line) and their costs are paid by the 4 people under them. The only out of pocket cost is the initial $1.75 you paid to join. That's why you should be reasonably sure of the 4 people you select to fill your first tier.

Remember this simple edict:

If I Am Early To Rise Others Will Follow My Lead

What this means is simple. If you take your time rising in levels, people who come in after you will pass you by. THEY WILL BE MAKING PAYMENTS TO YOUR UPLINE (me and those above me) THAT SHOULD BE COMING TO YOU! That is why you need to advance in levels to stay ahead and in position to receive payments from the people in your down line (the people under you).

It is to your advantage to rise from Level One to Level Five as soon as possible but don't feel pressured into going higher than you are willing. Move at your own pace. Just don't miss getting paid because you moved too slow!

"A Rising Tide Lifts ALL Boats!"

Earning formula:

  • Give $1.75 - Get $7 (Level 1)
  • Give $5 - Get $80 (Level 2)
  • Give $10 - Get $640 (Level 3)
  • Give $20 - Get $5120 (Level 4)
  • Give $40 - Get $160 (Level 5)
  • Give $80 - Get $1280 (Level 6)
  • Give $160 - Get $10240 (Level 7)
  • Give $320 - Get $81920 (Level 8) 

    (click link to find out how)
  • Still not clear? Let this 7 minute video explain it all in detail.

    Now that you know what Feeder Matrix is, how it works and what it can do for you, the veil is now lifted and the way forward is unfolded before you. There's no need to worry. You will NEVER walk alone. I and the Feeder Matrix team of Mentors & Affiliates are just an email or phone call away. Doors will be opened for you. Friendly voices will guide you. Helping hands will be outstretched toward you. Assurance and support will comfort you. 

    Join me now and get the best lead generating tool you can find on the internet FOR FREE! Click on the Feeder link below!

    Feeder Matrix & PLS
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    FB Personal Page
    google+ Biz Page 
    (212) 602-1691


    1 comment:

    1. Great blogpost, Tee Low. You explain the Feeder Matrix program quite well. And I know it works because "I work it." Nice job!
